Stories from the community on the ongoing effort to protect our water.

Larry Byrd, MID Board Member
Compromise is as necessary as it is difficult. An agreement forged last year at the insistence of two governors could end our endless water wars…if people will embrace it. MID Director Larry Byrd shares his direct, no-nonsense approach supporting a compromise that protects fish and ensures a reliable water supply for the Valley.
John Davids, MID Water Operations
Those who depend on the Tuolumne River have been doing miraculous things with water for more than a century, turning a desert into "Paradise Valley." John Davids, who directs Modesto Irrigation District's water operations, talks about our incredible history and the remarkable opportunity through voluntary agreements to share our vision and our future.
Water and Recreation
Water is essential to everything we do – including having fun. We look at the role water plays in sports, on one of the state’s most important reservoirs and even in Modesto’s glorious gardens. As serious and essential as water is, we know how to have fun with it, too.
Future Farmers of America
If you’ve been to the Stanislaus County Fair, you’ve no doubt seen the many animals on display that were raised by FFA members. These students represent the future of agriculture and their future livelihoods depend on water. Get a closer look at your local FFA programs and students in action.
MJC Agriculture
Modesto Junior College Professor Steve Amador works with young people every day to develop the next generation of farmers and ag technologists. MID supports MJC’s Irrigation Technology program and its mission of giving students the tools to succeed in a changing agricultural environment.
Mike Dunbar, The Modesto Bee
As an outspoken media advocate and former Opinions Editor at The Modesto Bee, Mike Dunbar shares his perspective on fighting for water on behalf of our community and the media’s role in telling the story.
Christine Schweininger, Central Valley Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Christine Schweininger, CEO of the Central Valley Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, explains how water supply impacts our latino community and our small businesses.
Nick Blom, MID Board Member
MID Board Member and Farmer Nick Blom shares why he's passionate about the Tuolumne River Management Plan and how it will impact our community and future generations.
Mani Grewal, Modesto City Council
A longtime advocate for water in the community and Modesto City Council Member, Mani Grewal, explains how water affects our economy and the surrounding areas.
Paul and Jake Wenger, Local Farmers
Paul and Jake Wenger are local farmers and concerned citizens who understand how the lack of available water could potentially impact the farming community and the counties ability to provide public services.
Andrea Fuller, FISHBIO
Andrea Fuller has spent her career monitoring fish locally and throughout the world. As a fish biologist, a local resident, and a concerned citizen, she offers unique insight to how water and fish coexist. In this video, she shares how and why local science play a key role in understanding the Tuolumne River Management Plan.
Former Congressman Jeff Denham
Former California Congressman Jeff Denham talks about water issues facing Northern and Central California, including Modesto and Turlock irrigation districts' Don Pedro Project relicensing process. The Don Pedro Project is required to go through a comprehensive relicensing process every 50 years.
John Devine, HDR
John Devine, Senior Vice President with HDR explains the Don Pedro FERC relicensing process and how proper science plays a key roll in the process.
Noah Hume, Stillwater Sciences
Aquatic ecologist Noah Hume highlights the work that is being done on the Tuolumne River to strike a balance between a healthy environment for the fish and a reliable water supply for our region.
Will Wong, Director of Utilities - City of Modesto
MID has delivered more than 600,000 acre-feet of treated drinking water to the City of Modesto over the last two decades. Will Wong, Director of Utilities for the City of Modesto, discusses the long-standing partnership between MID and the City.
Ruben Imperial, Deputy Executive Officer - Stanislaus County
Water is a key economic driver in the Central Valley. Stanislaus County Deputy Executive Officer Ruben Imperial discusses the potential impact of a reduced water supply to the livelihood of our communities' workforce and residents.
Jim DeMartini, Stanislaus County Board of Supervisors
As a local farmer and politician, Stanislaus County Supervisor Jim DeMartini understands the various impacts increased river flow measures will have on our community.
New stories coming each month.